Draft Gore appeal goes online

November 2, 2007

Washington, DC - has been launched as a last-ditch effort to convince Al Gore to run for President. has been launched as a last-ditch effort to convince Al Gore to run for President.

The grassroots organization is making its latest appeal on television, launching a thirty-second ad Friday that urges supporters to make a last-ditch effort to convince the former vice president to throw his hat into the White House race.

"Imagine what tomorrow can be," the ad's narrator says. "Imagine a renewed world, an end to the war in Iraq, imagine Al Gore as president - Call him. Write him. Seize the moment."

The ad also notes Gore opposed the war in Iraq in 2002 and won a Nobel Peace Prize last month for his efforts to bring attention to the issue of global warming.

The spot is set to air for three days and has to convince Gore quickly however, at least if he wants to compete in the New Hampshire race. The deadline to get on the presidential ballot is Friday.

The television push comes roughly a month after the organization took out a full page ad in the New York Times with an open appeal to the 2000 Democratic presidential nominee.

"You say you have fallen out of love with politics, and you have every reason to feel that way," the open letter to Gore stated. "But we know you have not fallen out of love with your country. And your country needs you now - as do your party and the planet you are fighting so hard to save."

Gore has repeatedly said he has no plans to run for president again.

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