Palin to meet Obama, despite hate-filled speeches she made against him

Palin accused Obama of associating "with terrorists who targeted our own country."

Alaska governor Sarah Palin is meeting next week with a man she says associates with terrorists - President-elect Barak Obama.

Palin in Wasilla

During Palin's failed vice-presidential campaign with John McCain, Obama's campaign spokesman Hari Sevugan told CNN Palin's comments were "offensive" and "not surprising" given the McCain campaign's statement that "they would be launching Swift Boat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation's economic ills."

CNN's investigation of Obama's links to Ayers found they were confined to the two men working together on a non-profit group to raise funds for a Chicago school improvement project and a charitable foundation, adding there was nothing to suggest anything inappropriate.

Barack Obama took the high road over Palin's campaign remarks "You're hearing an awful lot about me, most of which is not true." "The thing that I'm insisting on in this election is we can't keep playing the same political games we always play where we attack each other and we call each other names."

From a State of Alaska press release:

Governor Sarah Palin will travel to Philadelphia next week to join fellow governors at a meeting with President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden. The National Governors Association invited President-elect Obama to meet with the governors to discuss challenges facing states during this economic crisis.

"I appreciate and welcome this bipartisan opportunity to work with my fellow governors to find solutions to the many issues that are plaguing our economy," Governor Palin said. "I look forward to working with the Obama administration to find common ground on issues facing Alaska and the nation."

National Governors Association Chair Governor Ed Rendell and Vice Chair Governor Jim Douglas will host the events on Monday and Tuesday.

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