Democrats Criticize Lisa Murkowski's Vote Against Economic Recovery Package

From a Alaska Democratic Party press release

Patti Higgins, chair of the Alaska Democratic Party, today issued the following statement:

Senator Begich

"Sen. Murkowski's vote against the economic recovery package shows that she and most Republicans are out of touch with the needs of working Alaskans."

"The $789 billion economic recovery package is expected to bring about $1 billion in federal spending and tax breaks to Alaskans. Some of our communities are in desperate need of jobs and economic activity, and throughout the state many Alaskans are experiencing hardship as a result of the country's economic problems."

"In October Sen. Murkowski voted for the huge economic bailout for the banks and financial firms, when there was no accountability, no oversight, and no rules to keep them from spending the bailout money on outlandish executive bonuses. How can Murkowski now justify voting against this needed economic recovery money that will benefit so many Alaskans? Why was she willing to help the banks, but not Alaskans? "

"Alaska needs statesmen and women who will be guided by the needs of Alaskans rather than conservative platitudes," Higgins said."

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