Huckabee fearmongering shows desperation

February 5, 2008

In a last-minute desperation move - and with his campaign numbers near the bottom of every poll - Mike Huckabee followed Rudy Giuliani's miserable campaign strategy and started talking terrorism.

In a last-minute desperation move - and with his campaign numbers near the bottom of every poll - Mike Huckabee followed Rudy Giuliani's campaign strategy and started talking terrorism.

Huckabee warned of terror threats "without and within."

"Today we have a serious threat to our freedom in Islamic fascism. The fight we're in is not just whether your children will have a better future. It's whether your grandchildren are going to be dead or alive, because these fanatics are willing to kill every last one of us."

"Every time we go to the gas pump, we turn around and we pay for the terrorists to come and fight and kill us. Now something's got to stop. I promise you that within 10 years, we will be a nation energy-independent."

© By Dennis Zaki - All Rights Reserved.

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