Alaska CBC Associates Actively Under FBI Tensions

Corruption Fighter Ray Metcalfe Taunted by Carl Marrs

By Stephen Taufen

On Thursday, September 4, 2008 a verbal warning was leveled at Alaska's noted corruption fighter, Ray Metcalfe, a candidate for the U.S. Senate - who did not make it past the recent primary. Here's a memorial message sent from a Blackberry by one witness, just minutes after the menacing incident last night.

Ray Metcalfe

"At 9:58 p.m. Carl Marrs stood up to leave at Jens' Restaurant in Anchorage and asked Ray Metcalfe "Are you still Alive?" Ray said "Yes." Then Carl pointed toward Ray and said, "Somebody is going to get you someday... Somebody's going to get you some day."

Metcalfe acknowledges that's an honest account of what was said, except that he said, "Yes, I am!" [still alive]. Obviously, Marrs has the financial means to have some one else carry out such a threat. And apparently it was not the first time that Marrs has been reported saber-rattling at Metcalfe.

Having ended -- by one account -- his official CEO duties by the end of December of 2004, Marrs would have no longer been president of the Cook Inlet Regional Corporation (CIRI) at the time the FBI conducted a first statewide round of corruption investigation raids, on Thursday, August 31, 2006, including against the office of then State Senate president Ben Stevens. Sources have previously said that, on the same day, the Double Musky Inn in Girdwood was raided - not yet confirmed in the media or by the FBI. Bob Persons, owner of the Inn is alleged to be 'Person A' in the Ted Stevens indictment filed in August, 2008.

Carl Marrs had left CIRI with a multi-million dollar "golden parachute" before the FBI moved in with a search warrant to capture records such as the consulting fees paid to (and funds oddly returned by) Ben Stevens. Marrs and Persons were among those co-owning a race horse with Senator Ted Stevens. Marrs has recently contributed money to the campaigns of all Alaskan delegates to Congress, the most being $5100 to Don Young during 2007, according to one source of public records.

Ted wrote a foreword for the Double Musky Inn Cookbook: Alaska 's Mountain Cajun Cuisine, authored by Bob and Deanna Persons. And timely emails between Bob Persons and Ted Stevens concerning the FBI raid in Girdwood are evidence that the Justice Department wants to show the jury in the upcoming case on Ted's misfiled Senate Financial Disclosures.

There was more than one witness who interpreted Marrs' pointed words as being threatening or promising of harm. Moments earlier, the former CIRI CEO Marrs had apparently bought a round of drinks for the folks gathered around the front bar, but had pointed out (to the bartender) Ray and a lady with him, saying, "But not for THOSE two!"

Groundswell suggested that Metcalfe follow the course that its founder, Stephen Taufen took in November of 2003 after an owner and chief executive of Trident Seafoods threatened him for his writings at Fish Expo in Seattle . Go immediately to the courts, file a temporary restraining order, get the Anchorage Police Department to serve it, and require Marrs to soon attend a hearing in domestic violence court. That's the way to treat a bigheaded browbeater and put it on the record!

Given the number of witnesses to Thursday evening's incident, it's likely an Alaskan Superior Court judge could award Metcalfe with a permanent protective order, court costs, and instruct Marrs that (as said by the Washington State judge to the CEO in Taufen v. Trident) "such behavior is totally inappropriate for an adult!"

Especially one who apparently used a stiff drink to work up the courage for such nutritional hyperthyroidism.

A public watchdog and advocate for fishermen and their coastal communities. Taufen is an "insider" who blew the whistle on the international profit laundering between global affiliates of North Pacific seafood companies, who use illicit accounting to deny the USA the proper taxes on seafood trade. The same practices are used to lower ex-vessel prices to the fleets, and to bleed monies from our regional economy.

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