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Iraq revokes contractor immunity

October 24, 2007

The Iraqi government announced on Wednesday that it has decided to formally revoke the immunity from prosecution granted to private security companies operating in the war-ravaged country.

The Iraqi government announced on Wednesday that it has decided to formally revoke the immunity from prosecution granted to private security companies operating in the war-ravaged country.

"The cabinet held a meeting yesterday and decided to scrap the article pertaining to security companies operating in Iraq that was issued by the CPA (Coalition Provision Authority) in 2004," government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said in a statement.

"It has decided to present a new law regarding this issue which will be taken in the next cabinet meeting."

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice approved 19 new rules governing private security contractors in Baghdad after a deadly Baghdad incident last month.

The changes will affect how Blackwater USA operates as it protects diplomats and embassy employees, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

On Sept. 16, Blackwater employees claimed a motorcade had come under enemy fire, and they returned fire. At least 17 Iraqi civilians were killed, prompting investigations by the Iraqi government, U.S. State Department and FBI.

Rice also appointed a panel to review policy, which recommended a committee investigate and judge all contractor incidents "involving the use of deadly force," the report said.

Contractors will also be required to undergo new training on diplomatic and military procedures and Iraqi culture, and armed Diplomatic Security Service agents will ride along as the "officer in charge" with every contractor convoy.

Most of Blackwater's employees are former U.S. special forces soldiers, such as Navy Seals.
