Racist Republican Buttars apologizes

February 13, 2008

Utah Republican senator Chris Buttars compared a school funding bill to a "dark ugly" black baby.

Utah Republican senator Chris Buttars compared a school funding bill to a

"This baby is black," Buttars said. "It's a dark, ugly thing."

SALT LAKE CITY -- A Utah state senator has apologized for comparing a school funding bill to a "dark ugly" black baby, saying he did not intend it as a racist slur.

Sen. Chris Buttars' remark came during debate on the bill, which another senator had just called "the ugly baby bill," The Salt Lake Tribune reported.

"This baby is black," Buttars said. "It's a dark, ugly thing."

Members of both parties criticized the Republican's remark. Buttars apologized after a short break.

"I made a comment that I think a lot of people could take racist," he said. "I certainly did not mean that in any way but it was wrong and certainly could easily have been taken that way. I apologize to anyone who took offense. ... I ask for your forgiveness."

The bill under discussion would equalize school construction funding.

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