Gas Prices Drop In Time For Election
November 6th, 2006
Los Angeles, CA - The cost of gas is beginning to stabilize across the nation according to industry analyst Trilby Lundberg.
Gas prices peaked at $3.03 a gallon nationwide on Aug. 11 and prices have dropped nearly a dollar.
The lowest average price in the Lundberg survey was in Tulsa, Okla., at $1.99 a gallon for regular.
The highest average price continues to be in Hawaii, at $2.77. The survey does not mention Alaska.
Juneau, Alaska prices are around $2.88 for unleaded as of Sunday 11/05.
Among all California cities surveyed, the highest average price for regular was $2.37 a gallon in San Francisco. The lowest was in Sacramento, at $2.24 a gallon.
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